Parent Council

Parent Council Meeting Records

Records are available here in Slovenian language.

The Parent Council is a consultative body which consists of the representatives of parents from each preschool section. The Preschool Principal convenes the Parent Council 2–3 times per year. The Parent Council approve Annual Report, Annual Work Programme, and Pre-school publication. Their role is to raise concerns and propose solutions to relevant ongoing problems.

It consists of the representatives of parents from the preschool sections which are elected at the parent meeting of an individual section. Each representative also has a deputy.


  • It suggests the above-standard and developmental preschool programmes.
  • It gives consent to the Principal’s suggestions on the above-standard services.
  • It provides opinion on the suggested preschool development programme, on the Annual Work Plan, and the Preschool Annual Report.
  • It provides opinion on candidates for the position of the Principal.
  • It discusses the reports of the Principal.
  • It deals with the parents’ complaints on educational work.
  • It elects parents representatives for the positions in the Council of the Institute or other Institute organs.
  • It may adopt own work programme in cooperation with the preschool, in particular concerning the integration into the local environment.
  • It performs other tasks in line with the law and other relevant regulations.

tulipanParent Councils may establish local or regional Parent Council working groups. Local or regional Parent Council working groups may then establish a national Parent Council Association.

In the past years, Parent Council representatives have prepared a description of a Parent Council representative (only in Slovenian)..

The Parent Council Chair: Katarina Kos

preslednica lezece


Zalog, 10 October 2012

On the 1st Parent Council meeting, the Council adopted an agreement allowing parents to address their initiatives, questions, and opinions directly to Pedenjped Preschool Parent Council Chair.

Katarina Kos

Her personal information is published with her explicit consent.



Vrtec Pedenjped Ljubljana
(Pedenjped Preschool)
Cerutova ulica 6 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia +386 1 5492 614 +386 1 5281 803