Preschool Fund
The Preschool Fund was created with a purpose to enable all children the same options in partaking in the above-standard activities in the preschool for which parents should pay an additional fee. All gathered funds are allocated for children from a socially disadvantaged background, namely for their stay at outside-preschool activities (i.e. camping, summer and winter holidays), entry fees, and transport. We also offer partial subsidy by which only a part of the said fee is covered from these funds.
The Preschool Committee is comprised of 5 members of which 4 are preschool representatives and 1 is parents’ representative. The Committee meets when necessary. The funds are allocated proportionally to their availability in the Preschool Fund.
The Preschool Fund includes funds from voluntary contributions of parents and individuals, donations, and various activities and humanitarian projects by preschool's children and staff (theatre performances, gathering of waste paper and cartridges, sale of calendars, decorations, gifts, etc.)
Would you like to contribute and help the Fund to fulfil its goals? You can do so by transferring funds to the Preschool Pedenjped account No.: SI56 0126 1603 0637 150; BIC: BSLJSI2X; Beneficiary: Vrtec Pedenjped, Cerutova ulica 6, 1000 Ljubljana. Please include the following text in the transaction message field: »Donacija v sklad vrtca« (Donation to the Preschool Fund).